Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween Happenings: Ninja Turtle Style

As I mentioned in a few previous posts, last night was Chicago House’s annual Halloween party, and this year, the Edfu team pulled it out. Not only did us ladies have fabulous coordinated costumes:

Lindsey is Raphael in red, Tasha is Leonardo in blue, Kat is Donatello in purple, and I'm Michelangelo in orange.
We even taught Aaron the Australian all about Halloween (apparently, that’s not a thing that people do in Australia). He came as Shredder (the bad guy from the Ninja Turtles) and made his costume completely with things he found in Egypt. It was really impressive. Jon also decided to partake in the theme, but he went a little more esoteric: in the live-action version, rapper Vanilla Ice sings the theme song and has a cameo at the end. And thus, we have pictures like this:

This afternoon we head back to Edfu and begin the long haul. It'll be 3 weeks before we're back in Luxor again (for Chicago House's Thanksgiving dinner), then not too many days afterwards the season ends. Jon leaves on Sunday, so things will start to look a little different around here as I transition to some new things (including some dissertation research, which will be really boring for both you AND me- haha).